Insouciance-The Site That Stirs Shit Until A Verdict Has Been Rendered

Insouciance \in-SOO-see-uhns; Fr. an-soo-SYAHNS\ , noun: The quality of being insouciant; lack of care or concern; indifference.

A blog about bullies who use physical tactics like social alienation and humiliation. Looking different can provoke bullying and will typically trigger social isolation and weakness. Bullies almost always abuse power and use deliberate and depraved indifference. Some bullies go away, but others get angry and keep bullying until they get a reaction. That’s what they want. Some bullies have high self-esteem. They feel good about themselves. They feel better by picking on others. Most of the time, bullying isn’t about high or low self-esteem. It’s about having power.

Fury For You

Fury For You

My Ghetto For You

Monday, September 30, 2013

A Psychic Injury Esculates To Physical Illness

Update: I'm still be harassed about my horses now by a woman who told me and another owner of the property that I can keep my livestock there throughout the winter. The lady is stating that the "Boy Scouts" want to come onto the property to help her clean her filth and that I should move the fence that I just put up. She refuses to work with me because she does not listen to women, especially one who has be criminally slandered and libeled to the extent as I have. The lady appears to be hysterically crying like the false witnesses on the stand at the Napa Court: Bridget Jones and Tina Farnholt.

I believe the cops are involved with gang stalking and the harassment ever since the Napa Police Department lawsuit originated their physical, psychological, financial and legal abuse. Also, the Tim Evinger Lawsuit now filed with the Inter-American Court regarding the premeditated murder. The organized community gang stalking includes, but not limited to, the bigotry and harassment of Faith Fellowship Church lawsuit and their minions (the board of directors who also manages Hosanna Christian School 5000 Hosanna Way, Klamath Falls, OR 97603 Phone:(541) 882-7732 ) See additional photos below.

Since the Sheriff is out for training, his boys can go on a rampage for abusing women.
Click here
FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHTS, FIGHT FOR YOUR CHILDREN, THEN SUE THE ONES WHO TOOK THEM!!!  Never give up even if it means you will die of Legal Abuse Syndrome!
Thank G-d. Please don't make me stay in this filthy world no longer.

LEGAL ABUSE SYNDROME (LAS) is a form of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).  It is a psychic injury, not a mental illness.  It is a personal injury that develops in individuals assaulted by ethical violations, legal abuses, betrayals, and fraud. Abuse of power and authority and a profound lack of accountability in our courts have become rampant, compounding an already stressful experience. 

This stress can and does lead to physical illness. AMA statistics show that around 85% of all physical illness is directly attributable to stress. Legal Abuse Syndrome is a public health menace in this country.  It leads to massive medical intervention costs, burdens insurance companies, and adds to Medicare and Social Security costs.  Most painfully, it crushes the brilliance and creativity of its sufferers.  Legal Abuse Syndrome is detrimental to all of society, and nobody is immune.

Whatever the court setting, whether it is regarding divorce, child custody, parental support, probate matters, personal injury, property disputes, legal or medical malpractice, criminal charges or other deeply personal issues, the frauds put forth in our courts add greatly to the trauma. When litigants are unable to get fair resolution to their issues, when the court dysfunction further adds to the litigant's burden, when no amount of actual case law compels an equitable outcome, litigants suffer often disabling levels of stress. When further attempts to achieve redress fail, litigants display the hallmark signs of Legal Abuse Syndrome (LAS).

Why? What did they do to her? The hospital physicians probably planted a cancer cell in her vagina. I wouldn't trust those bastards either. Run, Feisty, run! Run from those sick psychopaths!

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Elements Of Police Cruelty

Cyberbullying Disability bullying Gay bashing Hazing Military bullying Mobbing Parental bullying Passive aggression Peer victimization Prison bullying Rankism Relational aggression School bullying Sexual bullying Workplace bullying Academia Blue collar Information technology Medicine Nursing Teaching Elements Betrayal Blacklisting Bullying culture Bystanders Character assassination Control Coercion Climate of fear Defamation Destabilisation Discrediting Embarrassment False accusation Gaslighting Gossip Harassment Humiliation Incivility Innuendo Insult Intimidation Mind games Moving the goalposts Nagging Name calling Personal attacks Psychological abuse Physical abuse Rudeness Sarcasm School pranks Setting up to fail Smear campaign Social rejection Social undermining Taunting Teasing Whispering campaign Workplace incivility Verbal abuse Yelling Organizations Act Against Bullying Beatbullying Bullying UK Kidscape GRIN Campaign Jer's Vision Actions Anti-Bullying Day Anti-Bullying Week International STAND UP to Bullying Day Anti-bullying legislation International Day of Pink Related Topics Control freak Complex post-traumatic stress disorder Dehumanization Depression Emotional blackmail Narcissism Personal boundaries Personality disorders Psychological manipulation Psychological projection Psychological trauma Psychopathy Scapegoating Self-esteem Sycophancy Victim blaming Victim playing Victimization Whistleblowing

Educational Resource Center

Guide to Criminal Justice And Featured Programs Educational Resource Center
Also, check out John Whitehead’s Book ‘A Government of Wolves’ Named 2014 Gold Medal Winner for Independent Book Publishers ‘Benjamin Franklin’ Awards

Human Trafficking Victims

Human Trafficking Victims
I was promised a job in the legal industry making substantial money, spent a lot of time in college. Then, corrupt lying police officers stigmatized me as a sex offender. State and federal judges targeted me and exploited my work for 15+ years while forcing me to conform to the ways of American men. This also is a form of human trafficking.

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