Insouciance-The Site That Stirs Shit Until A Verdict Has Been Rendered

Insouciance \in-SOO-see-uhns; Fr. an-soo-SYAHNS\ , noun: The quality of being insouciant; lack of care or concern; indifference.

A blog about bullies who use physical tactics like social alienation and humiliation. Looking different can provoke bullying and will typically trigger social isolation and weakness. Bullies almost always abuse power and use deliberate and depraved indifference. Some bullies go away, but others get angry and keep bullying until they get a reaction. That’s what they want. Some bullies have high self-esteem. They feel good about themselves. They feel better by picking on others. Most of the time, bullying isn’t about high or low self-esteem. It’s about having power.

Fury For You

Fury For You

My Ghetto For You

Monday, March 18, 2013


What led to the direct use of retaliation by slumlord, Steve Jones, (an employee of Jeld-Wen) who insists on using his tenant to seriously annoy Plaintiff Cosma? Jones demanded that the tenant himself be responsible and pay for the damages to Plaintiff's vehicle, not to deduct it from the rent. Jones has given Plaintiff receipt after receipt declaring that Plaintiff now owes him. This will be the next letter to the Inter-American Commission and other agencies because Federal Courts refuse to listen and act upon one of the worse human and civil right violations in U.S. history.
It's fun driving through the driveway when obstacles are in placed in the way
Plaintiff Cosma contends that the landlord, Steve Jones, is responsible because he did not disclose a menacing punk who resides directly behind a single woman. 

Plaintiff relied on the integrity of Steve Jones, an employee of Jeld-Wen who declares that their "consistent focus is to reach out to communities where their employees live so that they may inspire good works and serve as a positive influence strengthening families, improving neighborhoods and building better communities". 

Accordingly, Plaintiff believed that she could reside in a manner by living in a "direct, positive impact for her long-term health, well-being and future". 
It' fun to look outside your door and seeing garbage which is not as bad as annoying punks who get away with attempting to assault with his unlicensed, unregister, uninsured vehicle.

Woman To Sell Possessions To Rid Herself Of Abusive Men.

Retaliation is lurking against a woman in Klamath Falls, Oregon because she refuses to fuck their American men.

Regardless, if the code of ethics: Jeld-Wen says employees must not retaliate against complaining persons. There will be no doubt, the same pattern of action: Cosma will have to suffer further homelessness because a shit disturbing twerp can't get layed by Ms. Cosma.  

Twenty years of suffering property damages, violence, exploitation and other harm from male persons is not enough declares those who oppose Obama's reauthorized VAWA.
$1700 1977 remodeled Nomad
Travel Trailer For Sale because woman is being run out of town again by Jeld Wen employees

Cosma was promised by slumlord Steve Jones at the time of applying for a permanent rental of a mobile home park property unit that she could build a fence and portable garage and would be free to work on her vehicle. (Judge Wogan forced her to keep it when it broke down within 12 days of purchase costing her over $700. Defaults don't count in the States of California or Oregon)

After contacting Jeld-Wen yesterday to complain about his employee, today (March 16th 2013), Cosma noticed that slum lord Jones sent his daughter to driveby and eye-ball Cosma and her residence. It doesn't matter if the other neighbors have been and are in violation of property ordinances, Cosma will be discriminated and singled out first because she doesn't want to fuck their American men. It has always been that way. 

A cover-up is forth coming and excuses to remove her partial structure will be made to increase government sanctioned draconian rules and additional financial abuse and damages.

When Cosma has been run out of town because she does not want to fuck the shit disturbing menacing twerp, the filthy life here will carry on.

The state of California illegally suspended my driver's license for years. And, it has taken me years to straighten it out. I've lost countless vehicles that I've needed for my business needs through judicial malfeasance.  I've had to walk in the freeze of winter with bloody and puss ear infections. And, while cops have thrown my underware all over the Fairgrounds and seizing my vehicle that I was living in. I've had to pay 100's of $ of fines for my driver's license that was never suppose to be suspended in the first place.  I just feel like getting out of my car and taking an axe to theirs for their road rage! But, I will wait because I know for a fact, my G-d will do something worse than I could ever imagine.

Refusing to let a shit disturbing twerp get away with an attempted assault against her with his vehicle, once again, the police sirens have gone off warning Ms. Cosma the repeated pattern of retaliation is on it's way.  For this, Cosma will again have to pay the ultimate price, homelessness, business, credit and financial loss. For more on the same pattern of abuse by state and federal judges, visit:


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Elements Of Police Cruelty

Cyberbullying Disability bullying Gay bashing Hazing Military bullying Mobbing Parental bullying Passive aggression Peer victimization Prison bullying Rankism Relational aggression School bullying Sexual bullying Workplace bullying Academia Blue collar Information technology Medicine Nursing Teaching Elements Betrayal Blacklisting Bullying culture Bystanders Character assassination Control Coercion Climate of fear Defamation Destabilisation Discrediting Embarrassment False accusation Gaslighting Gossip Harassment Humiliation Incivility Innuendo Insult Intimidation Mind games Moving the goalposts Nagging Name calling Personal attacks Psychological abuse Physical abuse Rudeness Sarcasm School pranks Setting up to fail Smear campaign Social rejection Social undermining Taunting Teasing Whispering campaign Workplace incivility Verbal abuse Yelling Organizations Act Against Bullying Beatbullying Bullying UK Kidscape GRIN Campaign Jer's Vision Actions Anti-Bullying Day Anti-Bullying Week International STAND UP to Bullying Day Anti-bullying legislation International Day of Pink Related Topics Control freak Complex post-traumatic stress disorder Dehumanization Depression Emotional blackmail Narcissism Personal boundaries Personality disorders Psychological manipulation Psychological projection Psychological trauma Psychopathy Scapegoating Self-esteem Sycophancy Victim blaming Victim playing Victimization Whistleblowing

Educational Resource Center

Guide to Criminal Justice And Featured Programs Educational Resource Center
Also, check out John Whitehead’s Book ‘A Government of Wolves’ Named 2014 Gold Medal Winner for Independent Book Publishers ‘Benjamin Franklin’ Awards

Human Trafficking Victims

Human Trafficking Victims
I was promised a job in the legal industry making substantial money, spent a lot of time in college. Then, corrupt lying police officers stigmatized me as a sex offender. State and federal judges targeted me and exploited my work for 15+ years while forcing me to conform to the ways of American men. This also is a form of human trafficking.

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