I want to write about the Kapos amongst us. Those that survived the Holocaust, those who still live amongst us, even to this day.
Randy Bowman the Bolshevik, Zionist, Kapo Jew (formerly known as a City of Napa, police Sergeant in California) did not keep the peace but instead stirred up strife to boast what an Honorable person he is.
In 1995, while acting as supervisor of the police department and city attorney, (He retired early with full pensions and has been exempt from performing office stag parties with sacrificial lambs and other unethical actions such as pinning up suspects as target boards for law enforcement to dart practice), Bowman was allowed to brandish his police revolver in kangaroo courts to coerce defendants (such as me) to accept illegal plea bargains.
This resulted with a mother collapsing into a useless heap of humanity on the floor so that she lost her parental rights and her Jewish children sent to foster hell so that state social workers, lawyers, and state judges could earn Federal funding under Title IV-E. In other words, her children were trafficked and sold from under her.
What is a Kapo Jew?
A Kapo Jew is more brutal than the Nazi Germans use to be. Perhaps the worst collaboration of all, the evilest of humanity, are these Jews who work and collaborate with police corruption and their regimes of organized gang stalking; a "court Jew".
Most Jews, by nature, are deeply spiritual who have understanding and are tolerant of the most heinous of acts. Jews are peace loving individuals who work very hard to earn their fortunes that gentiles are allowed to pilfer through Kapo- Bowman like influences who influence other naive law enforcement officers to convince them that harmless and vulnerable mothers need to be censored. A true slime if ever there was one.
It shouldn't be a mystery when one Jewish mother and her two Jewish sons had their legacy destroyed over a crunched up piece of paper, a bots dot, a piece of iron pyrite, and a sea shell that blond female Gestapo Peecook found in front of her home because here in America, Jews like Kapo Bowman have the right to whip their prisoner for minor breaches of discipline. Yes, the allegory is to teach us only a fellow Jew, and not a gentile, that we can do serious damage to the Jewish people!
In the following trailer, you don't need to have a Italian language chip implanted in your brain to understand what a Kapo is.
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