Insouciance-The Site That Stirs Shit Until A Verdict Has Been Rendered

Insouciance \in-SOO-see-uhns; Fr. an-soo-SYAHNS\ , noun: The quality of being insouciant; lack of care or concern; indifference.

A blog about bullies who use physical tactics like social alienation and humiliation. Looking different can provoke bullying and will typically trigger social isolation and weakness. Bullies almost always abuse power and use deliberate and depraved indifference. Some bullies go away, but others get angry and keep bullying until they get a reaction. That’s what they want. Some bullies have high self-esteem. They feel good about themselves. They feel better by picking on others. Most of the time, bullying isn’t about high or low self-esteem. It’s about having power.

Fury For You

Fury For You

My Ghetto For You

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

May G-d Bless And Protect Edward Snowden, My Hero

“We have been silent witnesses of evil deeds: we have been drenched by many storms; we have learnt the arts of equivocation and pretence; experience has made us suspicious of others and kept us from being truthful and open; intolerable conflicts have worn us down and even made us cynical. Are we still of any use? What we shall need is not geniuses, or cynics, or misanthropes, or clever tacticians, but plain, honest, straightforward men. Will our inward power of resistance be strong enough, and our honesty with ourselves remoreseless enough, for us to find our way back to simplicity and straightforwardness?” – Dietrich Bonhoeffer, 1943
According to me and Nation of Change the following statements are true, that "Whistleblowers act on conscience because they encounter something so horrifying, unconstitutional, wasteful, fraudulent, or mismanaged that they are overcome by the need to speak out. There is always a calculus of pain and gain (for others, if not oneself), but first thoughts are about what you’ve uncovered, the information you feel compelled to bring into the light, rather than your own circumstances." 

Mr. Snowden knew what to fear:
  • He knew the Obama administration was determined to make any whistleblower pay, likely via yet another prosecution under the Espionage Act (with the potential for the death penalty). 
  • He knew what his government had done since 9/11 without compunction: 
    • it had tortured and abused people to crush them; 
    • it had forced those it considered enemies into years of indefinite imprisonment, creating isolation cells for suspected terrorists and even a pre-trial whistleblower. 
    • It had murdered Americans without due process, and then, of course, there were the extraordinary renditions in which U.S. agents kidnapped perceived enemies and delivered them into the archipelago of post-9/11 horrors.
"[I]n such moments, you try to push back the sense of paranoia that creeps into your mind when you realize that you are being monitored, followed, watched. It’s uncomfortable, scary. You have to wonder what your fate will be once the media grows bored with your story, or when whatever government has given you asylum changes its stance vis-a-vis the U.S. 

When the knock comes at the door, who will protect you?
I'd kiss this ass any ol' time
So fear again, in a slightly different form. It never leaves you, not when you take on the world’s most powerful government. Would he ever see his family and friends again? Would they disown him, fearful of retaliation or affected by the smear campaign against him? Would his parents/best friend/girlfriend come to believe he was a traitor, a defector, a dangerous man? All whistleblowers find their personal relationships strained. Marriages are tested or broken, friends lost, children teased or bullied at school..."

I also know from my own whistleblower’s journey that it’s an ugly penalty -- encouraged by a government scorned -- for acting on conscience. Sadly, Mr. Snowden has lost everything over stupid American monsters. Mr. Snowden has become a waste of a rare and decent human being.

If the American people do not stand up and protect Edward Snowden, everything that I've known and displayed at is true  (the U.S. Government has removed my site so that the American People will never really know what the U.S. Government does to its own).  My site revealed heinous acts by U.S. government officials and their unlawful actions that violate human rights, including at least two or more counts of 8th Amendment violations of cruel and unusual punishment. 

  Nuremberg Trial Proceedings Vol. 1 

The Declaration of the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal claims that "Individuals have international duties which transcend the national obligations of obedience. Therefore individual citizens have the duty to violate domestic laws to prevent crimes against peace and humanity from occurring." I have found in my experience that most people do not have a single shred of conscience. . .Sadly, today in America the evolving Nazi regime will be complete because those who have no conscience will prevail with their evil. Isn't that right Lieutenant Debbie Peecook?

May G-d bless and protect Edward Snowden from the filthy behavior of United States Government officials. Learn more about what the United States government does to it's citizens at  Be sure to read the stupidity of those who posted their comments.

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Elements Of Police Cruelty

Cyberbullying Disability bullying Gay bashing Hazing Military bullying Mobbing Parental bullying Passive aggression Peer victimization Prison bullying Rankism Relational aggression School bullying Sexual bullying Workplace bullying Academia Blue collar Information technology Medicine Nursing Teaching Elements Betrayal Blacklisting Bullying culture Bystanders Character assassination Control Coercion Climate of fear Defamation Destabilisation Discrediting Embarrassment False accusation Gaslighting Gossip Harassment Humiliation Incivility Innuendo Insult Intimidation Mind games Moving the goalposts Nagging Name calling Personal attacks Psychological abuse Physical abuse Rudeness Sarcasm School pranks Setting up to fail Smear campaign Social rejection Social undermining Taunting Teasing Whispering campaign Workplace incivility Verbal abuse Yelling Organizations Act Against Bullying Beatbullying Bullying UK Kidscape GRIN Campaign Jer's Vision Actions Anti-Bullying Day Anti-Bullying Week International STAND UP to Bullying Day Anti-bullying legislation International Day of Pink Related Topics Control freak Complex post-traumatic stress disorder Dehumanization Depression Emotional blackmail Narcissism Personal boundaries Personality disorders Psychological manipulation Psychological projection Psychological trauma Psychopathy Scapegoating Self-esteem Sycophancy Victim blaming Victim playing Victimization Whistleblowing

Educational Resource Center

Guide to Criminal Justice And Featured Programs Educational Resource Center
Also, check out John Whitehead’s Book ‘A Government of Wolves’ Named 2014 Gold Medal Winner for Independent Book Publishers ‘Benjamin Franklin’ Awards

Human Trafficking Victims

Human Trafficking Victims
I was promised a job in the legal industry making substantial money, spent a lot of time in college. Then, corrupt lying police officers stigmatized me as a sex offender. State and federal judges targeted me and exploited my work for 15+ years while forcing me to conform to the ways of American men. This also is a form of human trafficking.

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